If you select a row in the middle or from the side that the line is perfectly straight hair and fashion collections strong.Are austere. To achieve this effect, it is important that the hair should be closely tied behind the head so that each hair is in place. Here you can also find comfort in the trend-gloss gel. Use them in large quantities to repair your hair and get a shiny effect. The advantage of hair styles is that they are "long term". Resist the sea breeze and the wildest gambols on the dance floor. The look is more elegant, masculine, even a light touch. Make a straight line that is as perfect as possible with the tip of a comb, pull hair back and tie and goes for a hair product for a glossy effect. To divide into the whole head, you can use a large makeup brush, brush or even shaving. In addition to "strands" hair above, we will also look cute and casual hairstyles, sometimes with retro influences. For natural hair tied in a ponytail high or low, but do not use a gel to attach the hair. To create more volume, use a foam that is applied to wet hair. Once dried the hair easier to give body, volume and movement to hair.